Inner Self Healing
Explore who you are and how you can create new possibilities
Self Healing starts from Your Choice of Self Love
Choosing Self Love is to understand in your awareness that You are not only human body but part of Divine Source that is made of frequency. This vibration of life itself is constantly changing, dancing with light, colours and sounds. You are part of creators dance and it is loving. IT IS LOVING YOU unconditionally.
You are never judged or you can not do anything wrong in this creation. You can only make choices and create believes that can slow down the flow of life within your body system. Your believes can stop your conscious connection to this truth and it is when pain starts . It is painful to be separated from Loving Source that You Are. It is painful to believe that you are not worthy of being part of Love that you Are. This believes are showing up in human body as pain and emotional body as suffering but it is NOT WHO YOU ARE.
So Would You CHOOSE to BELIEVE again of Loving Self that you are part of ?
Enjoy Your healing journey of becoming more self-aware - conscious loving Self.

So.. How Can You feel it again ?
In our work together I am holding for you higher frequency of Your choice of Love. I stand by You with Your Higher Self and holding You within Universal Loving Team to remind you - with the light codes of vibration - how to go into the body system and bring back light into cells, mind and all that we need to bring back to love.
You are never alone in Your journey back to Love.
Program ¨Inner Self Healing ¨comes with 3 options. It includes:
- OPTION 1 - Recording Package - video and audio frequency healing session
- OPTION 2 - 1x PERSONAL session & package of recordings & group sessions
- OPTION 3 - 3x Month ADVANCED GROUP work-1x PERSONAL sessions & more
- All options are holding highest frequency recorded and channeled by Dorota
- See options below or Sign up for FREE consultation
Package 1
4 Short activations with music
7 Alchemy activations with words and sound
1x video - Dorota´s teachings
Package 2
1x PERSONAL and mp3-
1x PERSONAL session - online
GROUP Sessions 1 month
MP3 activations from package1
Package 3
1 PERSONAL Session - online
3 Month advanced GROUP work
3 Month Membership