Relaxation – an amazing tool to shift Your body system, to heal, to allow higher quantum system of Your Higher Self to create with You.
In your aura, when you relax consciously You are truly creating alchemy that always works for your harmony within.
You are creating energy information each time you make the decision to relax. It is statement – activation from your mind into the brain and nervous system – that you are safe – you are safe – you are safe.
The message of your relaxation has a healing powers. You are starting to co-create with Your Higher Self.
Mind is allowing flow of energy that is always there to bring your human self what you need in every moment of your choice of relaxation, positive mind thinking and breath.
So.. bring this message into your human body system today. Relax within simple thought of :
All Is Well – I am Safe – I care for myself – I am Love.
I am Holding this frequency message with you .
With Love